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Our School


Our aim is to enable students to develop the skills and attitudes as well as the knowledge that will help them to make career and other decisions wisely throughout their lives.


As a school we have a responsibility to raise the aspirations of, and prepare students for the time they enter the wider community, either through employment or in further training and education. A key element of this preparation must come from the delivery of a coherent Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) programme.

Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) programme

The overarching aims of our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) provision is based on the three main areas of career and work-related learning:

  1. To help students with their self-awareness and self-development, through careers and work-related learning.
  2. To help students with their career exploration, making sure they understand all the options available.
  3. To help students with their career management, making sure they are fully prepared for the world of work.

As well as this, our CEIAG provision also aims to:

  • enable students to make informed and realistic decisions about their future and support with their transition.
  • develop student’s employability skills and contribute to the schools aim of raising aspiration and motivation.
  • meet the specific needs of all our students, through appropriate differentiation and tailored support.

The school is currently working towards an Investors in Careers award incorporating guidelines from the Gatsby Benchmark and the Department of Education, Careers and Enterprise Company and Ofsted recommendations.

Related Information

Apprenticeships Information for parents

Careers Programme

Future Goals Careers Booklet

Gatsby Benchmark

To view careers and provider access policy, please see the policies page

Careers information will be reviewed and updated annually. 

For further information contact

Mrs Gant, Careers Leader. Email:

Apprenticeships, Traineeships and T levels

With apprenticeships now becoming much more popular nationally, with an apprenticeship available in most job sectors, students are provided with information about the range of options including traineeships and T levels.

The Apprenticeship Support and Knowledge Programme provides further advice and support to students in years 10 to 13, parents and teachers on apprenticeships, traineeships and T levels.

There are also a wide range of information on

Further Careers Information:

Information for Parents
Information for Employers
Information for Teachers

Future Goals - Our Region Overview Presentation
