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Key Information


For Entry September 2025

The application process for a child wishing to start in Year 7 in September 2025 at  Bradford Girls' Grammar School and Lady Royd Primary School is managed by Bradford Council. 

Information on how to apply, including a link to the online application form, will be posted here once released by Bradford Council later this year.

See the BDAT website for further details - scroll down to find Bradford Girls' Grammar School.

The admissions process for BDAT Academies can be accessed via the following link: BDAT Admissions Process.

The timetable for organising and hearing admission appeals can be accessed through the following link: Make an appeal | Bradford Council

Supplementary Information Forms (SIF's)

Please return Supplementary Information Forms (SIF's) to: Admissions, Bradford Girls Grammar School, Squire Lane, Bradford, BD9 6RB or by e mail to:

SIF Form YEAR 7 2025 entry