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Curriculum Intent 

The department aims to develop a wide range of knowledge and skills within drama working to professional industry standards. Pupils will explore a variety of topics, genres and techniques working cooperatively with their peers.   During their rehearsal time, as well as using the theatrical techniques and knowledge that they have acquired through the curriculum, they will teamwork and problem-solving skills, and will apply the school ASPIRE values, which are embedded within everything that we do. Through the development of communication skills our students will become confident in expressing their opinions on different topics both verbally and physically. Drama is vital for communicating with others in school and in the wider world, and it is fundamental to learning in all curriculum subjects. 

In studying drama, students develop skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing that they will need to participate in society and employment. Students learn to express themselves creatively and imaginatively and to communicate with others confidently and effectively. 

Drama - Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact