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Our School



Music at Bradford Girls’ Grammar School is very popular and group or individual lessons are available each week. The school offers tuition on a range of different instruments as well as singing lessons.

The music department has three teaching rooms and a recording studio as well as a suite of practice rooms. There are also different rehearsal rooms around the school for the weekly extra curricular groups to rehearse in. A wide variety of music ensembles are available and all girls are encouraged to attend.

The school is a centre for both the ABRSM practical and theory examinations. This means that pupils will not have to leave school to take their examination elsewhere.

For those taking examinations which require an accompaniment, there are a number of teachers in school who are available to rehearse with them before the actual assessment.

We also offer free Grade 5 theory and aural tuition to enable pupils to prepare pupils for the higher grades and achieve the very best examination result possible.  The Music department uses Trinity/Guildhall for keyboard & drum and London College of Music for Music Theatre which takes place at local centres.

There are many different opportunities for pupils to perform their chosen musical instrument during the school year. These include assemblies, school concerts and in the inter-house music competition held in the summer term.
