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Knowledge organisers

As part of our ambitious and aspirational Year 7 curriculum at Bradford Girls’ Grammar, students are required to organise and retain essential powerful knowledge in all their subjects. This powerful knowledge will inevitably strengthen their understanding of each subject and enable them to understand the world around them.


At BGGS, we understand that the acquisition of knowledge takes time - therefore, this part of the website is dedicated to providing key resources to help students revise the content needed during HT3. In Year 7, students will be provided with ‘knowledge organisers’ from the following subjects:


  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Art/Textiles
  • Drama
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Geography
  • History
  • Music
  • PE
  • RS


As part of their weekly homework, students will be expected to revise from each compartment of a specific knowledge organiser. This knowledge will be tested weekly in each subject area, as well as at the end of every term in the form of a multiple-choice test, namely ‘The Final Test’. The results of this test will inevitably provide our students with an indicative and visual reminder of key subjects they are performing well in and which subjects they need to focus on.


Ultimately, our teaching staff will be monitoring revision throughout the term and through weekly homework tasks. Each subject, each week, will set a box to revise. Students are expected to bring this revision to lessons the following week (the teacher will make it clear which lesson the homework is required). Students will always be asked to use their planners to keep track of homework and outstanding revision linked to the knowledge organisers.


We want to thank you in advance for supporting us in ensuring your child will maximise their learning and understanding of key knowledge in their first year at BGGS so they can develop a strong sense of responsibility, industry and joy as they access our curriculum that is highly inclusive, ambitious, comprehensive, and coherent. The full range of core and non-core subjects are carefully and systematically mapped so that children having mastered a wide range of concepts, procedures and skills that fuel a thirst for learning, prepare them for future study and develop an understanding of the world in which they live, enabling them to be educated and contributing citizens with a firm appreciation for human creativity and achievement.

Year 7 Term 2 Knowledge organiser