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Curriculum Intent

Studying Business during Key Stage 4 provides students with the opportunity to learn more about organisations and the influences upon them. The GCSE Business qualification is a high-quality academic course which is appropriate to students’ future choices and relevant to everyday life beyond school. 

Studying business complements mathematical, humanities and linguistic based programmes, allowing knowledge gained in other subjects to be applied in a real-life context.  

Once students are confident with the subject material being learned, we use case studies to encourage them to think, act and speak like a business manager or entrepreneur. 

Our enterprise club provides an opportunity for students to broaden and enrich the study of business and develop entrepreneurial skills.

Business - Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact

Golden Threads - Knowledge

In the business curriculum knowledge is carefully sequenced which allows the department to build deeper understanding of the concepts and theory of business. For example, pupils need to learn about the ways in which a profit is generated before they can analyse the impact of decisions made on costs and revenue. Similarly, learning about Human Resources activities before those in other business functions enables pupils to make more secure connections between them – for example being able to link types of training to different production methods.

We use an approach where knowledge is reinforced by using different methods, such as embedding theoretical knowledge with application to different business contexts. This enables pupils to develop disciplinary knowledge as well as the substantive subject content – “being able to think and make decisions like a business person.”

 In order to embed prior knowledge into pupils’ long-term memory, the department consistently uses the following techniques:

  • Retrieval practice at the beginning of lessons;
  • Knowledge organisers to help students learning and as a quick overview of the topic for revision purposes,
  • Links to real-life situations, previous experiences and cross-curricular connections.

Golden Threads - Diversity

The GCSE business specification provides many opportunities for pupils to explore the importance of diversity in approaches to compliance, operations and decision making:

  • The impact of the Equalities Act 2010
  • Ethical Business
  • Meeting diverse customer needs
  • Business etiquette around the world
  • Different cultural approaches to Human Resources Management
  • Different cultural attitudes to lending, borrowing and risk

The aim is that pupils “see themselves” in the curriculum and feel more connected to the subject matter.

A departmental display featuring business “gurus” of different genders, cultures and ethnic backgrounds and their contribution to the world of business supports pupils to think about diverse approaches to business as part of the curriculum.

Golden Threads - Cultural Capital

Through the curriculum and additional opportunities, the business department provides the accumulation of knowledge, theory, and skills that a pupil can draw upon through life, going beyond the requirements of the GCSE specification.

Real life application of the fundamental concepts and theories in business allows exploration of current concepts such as artificial intelligence, different political approaches to private industry, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, changing attitudes to climate change and Brexit on business operations.

Wherever possible, the department will encourage pupils to take part in local and national competitions in order to demonstrate and apply their learning.

Golden Threads - Vocabularly

The department provides a range of texts for pupils to access business related information, e.g. books, extracts, newspaper articles, journals and internet. Pupils are encouraged and supported to develop and use subject specific and academic language in lessons and in response to tasks set for homework.

Every business classroom has a curriculum wall showing key vocabulary being used. Teacher discussion and use of modelling and questioning support pupils to explore meanings of new vocabulary in addition to business content.

Pupils read aloud when appropriate.

Knowledge organisers help pupils to remember key vocabulary and the context in which it has been taught.