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Art and Textiles

Curriculum Intent

Bradford Girls’ Grammar School aims to challenge students to think, act and speak as Artists, Designers and Craftspeople by teaching them to become visually literate so they are able to read, interpret and find meaning in signs, symbols codes and conventions, exploring and reshaping them in their own work. We do this by giving all students first-hand experience of different aspects of Art, Craft and Design. Students are given the opportunity to engage with practitioners and examples of historical art and design from a range of cultural contexts. Purposeful exploration, making and doing fosters artistic and design awareness, understanding and skills.

Students learn to understand and apply the key principles of art: line, tone, texture, shape, form, space, pattern, colour, and contrast. The opportunity for students to refine and develop their techniques over time is supported by effective lesson sequencing, links with the topic and progression between year groups. This also supports students in achieving age related expectations at the end of their cohort year.

Art and Textiles - Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact

Golden Threads - Knowledge

BGGS aims to challenge students to think, act and speak as Artists, Designers and Craftspeople by teaching them to become visually literate so they can read, interpret and find meaning in signs, symbols, codes and conventions, exploring and reshaping them in their own work. The curriculum goes far beyond what is taught within the classroom, for whilst we want students to achieve the very best examination results possible, our curriculum goes beyond what is examinable. As a knowledge engaged curriculum we believe that knowledge underpins and enables the application of skills; both are intertwined. As a department we define the powerful knowledge our students need and help them recall it by scaffolding our curriculum in such a way that students continually revisit skills and build upon them each year, tackling increasingly challenging concepts. As each step in a learning journey develops, it incorporates a deeper understanding of prior learning.  

Golden Threads - Diversity

Our curriculum explores the work of other artists, craftspeople and designers from a diverse spectrum of backgrounds, genders, ethnicities and beliefs. It is particularly important how our students see themselves in the curriculum and that we value their history and backgrounds and we aim to make art and creativity accessible for all and strengthen personal identity and build positive identities of diverse ethnic communities. This curriculum journey gives our students a voice with which to express their thoughts, feelings about and responses to the world around them, challenging stereotypes and promoting cultural understanding. 

Golden Threads - Cultural Capital

We build the Cultural Capital of our students by providing them with a means to engage with and understand the world around them and their relationship with it. In their study, reflection and response to the work of artists, craftspeople and designers develops student’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding, empathising with others and introducing them to the best of what has been thought and said across time periods, cultures and countries. Across all year groups, the curriculum develops awareness of the place of art, craft and design in the world to comment on and change opinion or transform life experiences in both visual and written form. Cultural opportunities are seized to take students out of the classroom to art galleries, museums, exhibitions and engage with practitioners as part of the wider curriculum. These are life enriching experiences that provide them with what they really need to know to participate fully in society and succeed in future life. 

Golden Threads - Vocabulary

Literacy skills are developed through development and application of their reading and writing skills alongside their speaking and listening skills as they research, communicate, analyse, critically evaluate and review the work of significant artists, craftspeople, architects, film makers and designers to inform their creative thinking and the development of their own creative practice. Key words accompany every unit of work. All lesson plans and Schemes of Learning encourage the development and use of Tier 2 and Tier 3 words and specialist artistic language in Art and Textiles across all year groups. When discussing and writing about works of art whilst reading widely about artists, designers and craftspeople from a variety of sources, this builds a strong springboard to inspire and teach students the language of academic success. We encourage dialogue, critique and debate about student’s own work as well as the work of artists and designers. This further embeds and extends our student’s knowledge of artistic concepts and principles along with communicating effectively and confidently in both visual and written form.